VPSCTL(8) FreeBSD System Manager’s Manual VPSCTL(8)
vpsctl — manage Virtual Private Systems instances
vpsctl start id
vpsctl stop id [config-file]
vpsctl list
vpsctl show id
vpsctl shell id
vpsctl console id
vpsctl ifmove id ifname [ifnewname]
vpsctl execin id command
[arguments ...]
vpsctl execwt id command
[arguments ...]
vpsctl suspend id
vpsctl resume id
vpsctl snapshot id output-file
vpsctl abort id
vpsctl restore id input-file
vpsctl migrate id remote-host
vpsctl argshow id ipnet id
add adress/network, ...
vpsctl ipnet id rem adress/network,
vpsctl priv id allow privilege-number,
vpsctl priv id deny privilege-number,
vpsctl priv id nosys privilege-number,
vpsctl limit id resource:softlimit:hardlimit, ...
vpsctl showdump file
The vpsctl utility is used to manage Virtual Private System (VPS) instances, e.g. starting, stopping, migrating and reading status information.
Basically VPS works in a hierarchical way, so you can use the vpsctl utility on the main host system (which in turn is a VPS instance too) and inside child VPS instances as well. You can only see and manage instances that are children of the current instance.
For a general description of what VPS is, see vps(4).
The following commands are available:
start id [config-file]
Creates and runs a new VPS instance named id using settings from config-file.
If no config-file is given, vpsctl tries to read settings from /etc/vps/vps_<ID>.conf.
See the FILES sections for the config file syntax.
stop id [config-file]
Stops and destroys VPS instance id.
If no config-file is given, vpsctl tries to read settings from /etc/vps/vps_<ID>.conf.
If you perform ’shutdown -h ...’ from inside a VPS instance, you still have to run stop id to free it entirely.
Prints a listing of all currently existing VPS instances. Status is one of running, suspended or dead. After stopping an instance, it may reside for a while as dead instance in the system. A typical cause is TCP sockets in TIME_WAIT state. After all references are gone, it will be automatically deleted.
show id
Shows some details about the VPS instance given by id. For a more detailed listing including all run-time properties about a VPS instance see argshow id.
shell id
Allocates a pseudo tty and starts an interactive shell in the given VPS instance. This command is equally to ’vpsctl execwt /bin/sh’.
console id
Opens the system console of the given VPS instance.
ifmove id ifname [ifnewname]
Moves network interface ifname into vps instance id and optionally renames it to [ifnewname].
execin id command [arguments ...]
Starts the given command using arguments if given in the context of VPS instance id. The vpsctl utility does not wait on exit of command but exits immediately.
execwt id command [arguments ...]
Same syntax as for the execin command, but a pseudo tty is allocated for command in order to have interactive input/output and the vpsctl utility waits until exit of command.
suspend id
Suspends all processes in VPS instance id, all TCP sockets are set to drop incoming data, every other activity is suspended. May be used for creating consistent backups of one VPS instances’ filesystem space.
resume id
Resumes previously suspended vps instance id.
snapshot id output-file
Writes a snapshot of id to output-file, including the state of all processes, sockets, network attributes etc. The VPS instance id has to be suspended by suspend first.
abort id
Ungracefully kill all processes in VPS instance id. You still have to run stop id to get rid of it. If id is currently suspended, run resume id afterwards in order to have effect.
restore id input-file
Restores a VPS instance from a snapshot file previously created by snapshot to a suspended state. Use resume id to get it running again.
The snapshot file can originate from a different host, but care has to be taken to have compatible or better, the same kernel, on both systems. Before the actual restore process starts, sanity and compatibility checks against the snapshot file are performed, but in case of mismatches a kernel crash could still happen.
Instead of id an empty string (’’) can be given. The id the instance had when its snapshot was created is used then.
The right instance config file has to exist.
migrate id remote-host [norsync|onersync]
Performs a live migration of VPS instance id to host remote-host. All processes, open files, pipes, sockets, TCP session etc. are preserved.
Specify norsync if you don’t want the filesystem tree to be synced. Do not use this option unless you are sure nothing was modified or the filesystem is mounted readonly. Specify onersync if you only need one sync pass (faster than two-pass but vps is suspended longer).
If the migration process fails or is aborted, the instance is left in suspended state. Use resume id to get it running again. You might have to set some network settings in the parent system manually, like published arp entries and routes.
SSH is used as transport to remote-host. If no ssh key is loaded/available, you will be prompted for a password.
argshow id
Shows arguments of VPS instance id.
The output show IPv4 and IPv6 networks the instance is allowed to use on its interfaces, as well as a list of privileges priv(9.) For NOSYS privileges, a ’No such system call’ error is returned instead of ’Permission denied’. Some applications wouldn’t run otherwise.
Resource limits are shown as: resource type, current utilization, preconfigured soft limit (may be exceeded if resources are still available), hard limit (will never be exceeded) and counters how often the soft or hard limits have been hit.
ipnet id add address/network, ...
Adds an IP address or network to the list of networks the VPS instance is allowed to use on its interfaces.
Following formats are valid:
Multiple networks can be specified on the command line at once, separated by ’,’ but without whitespace.
To specify networks in a configuration file, use IP_NETWORKS.
ipnet id rem address/network, ...
Removes a previously added IP address or network from the list. See the description of ipnet id add for more information.
priv id allow privilege-number, ...
Adds one or more privileges, specified by name (e.g. PRIV_KLD_LOAD) or its numeric value, to the list of allowed privileges. Separate multiple privileges by ’,’ without whitespace.
See priv(9) for more information about privileges, and sys/priv.h for a list of defined privileges.
To specify privileges in a configuration file, use PRIV_ALLOW.
priv id deny privilege-number, ...
Removes one or more privileges, specified by name (e.g. PRIV_KLD_LOAD) or its numeric value, from the list of allowed or ’nosys’ privileges.
System calls or other operations that depend on the privilege in question, return to userspace with a ’Permission denied’ error.
priv id nosys privilege-number, ...
Adds one ore more privileges, specified by name (e.g. PRIV_KLD_LOAD) or its numeric value, to the list of privileges, that are not allowed, but supposed to return ’’No such system call’’ instead of ’’Permission denied’’, to satisfy some applications.
To specify privileges in a configuration file, use PRIV_NOSYS.
limit id resource:softlimit:hardlimit, ....
Configures a limit on one or
more given resources (like virtual memory,
cpu utilization, ...).
The command argshow id shows you which resources are known.
The softlimit is a treshold that will be exceeded in case the current utilization of the given resource allows to do so without affecting other VPS instances’ performance.
The hardlimit will never be exceeded.
For CPU utilization ’sysctl kern.fscale’ equals 100% of one cpu (To allow a VPS instance to use 25% of one CPU set the limit to (sysctl kern.fscale) * 0.25).
To specify resource limits in a configuration file, use LIMITS.
showdump file
Shows information about the snapshot contained in file. It generates a lot of output.
The vpsctl utility exits 0 on success and -1 if an error occurs.
for each VPS instance with id <ID>.
Example of a rc script (e.g. put these lines in /etc/rc.local):
kldload vps_ddb
kldload vps_dev
kldload if_vps
kldload vpsfs
kldload vps_account
kldload vps_suspend
kldload vps_libdump
kldload vps_snapst
kldload vps_restore
ifconfig vps0
ifconfig vps0 up
sysctl -w
sysctl -w net.inet6.ip6.forwarding=1
Example of a minimal VPS instance config file (/etc/vps/vps_testvps.conf):
NAME = testvps
FSROOT = /vps/testvps
NETIF_0_ADDRESS = ’, 2001:2002::2003’
ROOT_MOUNT = ’true’
ROOT_UMOUNT = ’true’
INIT = ’/sbin/init’
See vps.conf(5) for a complete description of config file options.
The /vps/testvps directory contains a full FreeBSD userland installation. See jail(8) for examples how to install into a directory.
The only crucial configuration bits are setting all terminals to off in /etc/ttys, as well as putting root_rw_mount=NO into /etc/rc.conf.
Don’t use nullfs, there are some issues with snapshot/restore.
The IP addresses given are assumed to belong to a subnet on a physically attached ethernet network. The vpsctl utility creates a published ARP entry and a local route for each address.
Start the vps instance:
vpsctl start
vpsctl list
vps(4), vps(9), vps.conf(5), mount_vpsfs(8), http://www.7he.at/freebsd/vps/
Work on VPS was started in February 2009.
Virtual Private Systems for FreeBSD and this manual page as well, were written by Klaus P. Ohrhallinger.
Development of this software was partly funded by:
TransIP.nl <http://www.transip.nl/>
VPS is in an early stage of development and has to be considered as experimental. This means many bugs have to be expected.
Please submit bug reports to freebsd-vps@7he.at.
$Id: vpsctl.8 130 2013-04-10 09:32:39Z klaus $
FreeBSD 10.0 April 10, 2013 FreeBSD 10.0